Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tobacco Barn Beam ~ be still my heart

I have been wanting to redo the mantel on our fireplace. After spending the morning having coffee with the ladies and admiring my friends fireplace I was determined to get the project started.  This lead to wanting stone also...sorry honey! After a little searching I found a beam from an old tobacco barn that is around 120 years old.  A local couple is taking the barn apart by hand and I was very excited to learn about what all they do.  I searched pinterest to help figure out what type of stone I wanted.  I went with fieldstone, I love seeing the mortar between the stone.  I showed my husband and he took it from there. 

                                                                     Before Photo

After Photo
I love how it turned out and it seems my dogs do also. 

Pumpkin Patch - Homemade Ice cream

This year has flown by.  I can't believe we are well into October.  Fall is by far my favorite season.  I love seeing the leaves change and the crisp air making us wrap up in our blankets at the ball field. We always head to Porters Farm for the pumpkins we plan to carve and to have their amazing homemade fall ice cream flavors.  Porters is in Willow Springs, NC...make sure to stop by if you are close by.  Also it is time for the NC State Fair in Raleigh NC.  This time of year is full of wonderful things to do in and around our home town.

                                                     White Pumpkins...my favorite!

                                              Starbucks Fall Flavors...need I say more?

The view driving down my road.
I had to pull over a take a photo!
While out showing homes this time of year I love to see all the mums and pumpkins lining the front steps.  It is very welcoming and give a warm feeling right away. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Bird Chirping Weather

"No matter how long the winter, Spring is sure to follow"

I don't know about you but I am very excited about the weather changing.  Between home inspections, viewing a few properties and baseball games  I had a chance to sneak off to pick up a few flowers.  We needed to add a little color to the front porch.

I love this pepsi crate my sister gave me a while back. Thanks Jody!

My favorite place to sit with a cup of coffee before a busy day. 

Nothing like a rocking chair and a front porch.

Ready for the birds

Fresh cut hydrangeas to bring a little spring time indoors 

"Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat." 
- Laura Ingalls Wilder

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Start of a New Year

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years.  I enjoyed spending time with my family and friends over the Holidays.  Many memories are created during the holidays.  It is a wonderful time to reflect on the past year and start planning for the next year.

 I was blessed to spend a lot of time with my husband over the Holidays.  He is such a huge support system for me.  My work schedule is all over the place and keeps me very busy(which I love!)...he always is a huge help. 

 One of our traditions is to make cookies for Santa at Nana & Papa's house.  The kids had a wonderful time.  My daughters best friend joined us this year.  My son had fun wearing the FM Lending apron.

 My Aunt Alice host a Gingerbread decorating party each year at her home.  Everyone looks forward to it each year.  I love that my teenage daughter still enjoys decorating with the younger kids. 

I love this photo of my Mema's hand and mine. I cherish each moment spent with her.  She is an amazing strong woman.  I went on Christmas day with my parents & sister to spend some time with her.  Then my husband and I went back a couple days later to see her.  She sure knows how to keep us laughing.  

I wanted to share a few special moments I had over the holidays.  Now I plan to start making a list of what goals I want to reach this year for myself.  2015 is going to be an exciting year filled with Family, Church, Real Estate, A Teenage Driver, Baseball, Softball & much more! - Kelly